Our Focus Areas

February 28, 2020

Lessons from the Future: Boosting Growth in an Aging Japan

The world is growing older, and demographic decline will change the fabric of societies across Asia, presenting challenges but also opportunities to remake society for the better. Medicine and health care are among the most important of these challenges and opportunities. Health and medical issues are coming to the fore not only in Japan but,

September 30, 2019

Digital Technology for Inclusion: The India Story

Using India as a case, this Asia Business Council briefing looks at how the use of digital technology by the government and private sector is helping to change society, largely for the better. It explores how digital technology has enabled more people to access government benefits and expand economic opportunities in ways that were elusive

June 30, 2020

The Great Disruption: Covid-19, Geopolitics, Trade And Technology Will Challenge Entire Business Sectors

Look for more geopolitical tensions and new technologies to continue a period of great disruption in supply chains, business models, and consumer behavior. By Asia Business Council Executive Director Mark Clifford.

May 20, 2020

The View: In a post-pandemic economy, Asian businesses will think smaller and safer, with worrying implications for many workers

Asia’s business leaders now start almost every discussion by talking about digital transformation. Human labour is a business risk, given the possibility of a future outbreak. Factories may become more automated, with fewer workers. By Program Associate Colleen Howe.

May 13, 2020

Tesla’s Newest Board Member Talks About Changing The World Through Japan’s $1.5 Trillion Pension Fund

Hiro Mizuno rocked the world of traditional pension finance by putting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) at the heart of investments during his tenure as head of the world’s largest pension fund. Adjunct Fellow Jill Baker spoke with Mizuno about his crusade for ESG investing in his first interview since leaving Japan’s Global Pension Investment

April 14, 2020

The View: In the battle against the coronavirus, Japan and the four ‘tiger economies’ offer the world a new ‘Asian miracle’

The relatively low infection and death rates in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan are a testament to investment in public health infrastructure, transparency and societies that prioritize group interests. By Executive Director Mark Clifford.

March 18, 2020

The View: The coronavirus epidemic is a warning for Hong Kong, and others, to prepare for the reality of an ageing world

Because the coronavirus disproportionately affects people over 65, health care systems in countries with large elderly populations are struggling. The pandemic should prompt governments to consider how policies such as social distancing affect the elderly. By Program Associate Colleen Howe.

February 19, 2020

The View: The coronavirus was no black swan. Hong Kong and China just weren’t ready for a crisis

Lessons that should have been learned after the harrowing Sars experience were not: diseases like Covid-19 will happen from time to time in a hyper-connected world, and the trust and transparency that will fortify a society’s response to such a crisis is lacking. By Executive Director Mark Clifford.

January 15, 2020

The View: Companies must help defuse Hong Kong’s crisis, and do what the government can’t

Like the wildfires in Australia, the political flames in Hong Kong burn hotter with each outbreak. Given that the government shows no intention of heeding the public’s voices, corporate Hong Kong must get to work on community engagement. By Executive Director Mark Clifford.

December 31, 2019

The View: Hong Kong’s economic destiny looks grim, given its ageing population and a younger generation culturally pressured to conform

Hong Kong is the fastest-ageing economy in the world, and has the lowest population share of children under 14. The city faces a grim economic fate, unless the older and younger generations can work together to change the growth model. By Program Director Janet Pau.


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