Jill Baker

February 28, 2020

Lessons from the Future: Boosting Growth in an Aging Japan

The world is growing older, and demographic decline will change the fabric of societies across Asia, presenting challenges but also opportunities to remake society for the better. Medicine and health care are among the most important of these challenges and opportunities. Health and medical issues are coming to the fore not only in Japan but,

September 30, 2019

Digital Technology for Inclusion: The India Story

Using India as a case, this Asia Business Council briefing looks at how the use of digital technology by the government and private sector is helping to change society, largely for the better. It explores how digital technology has enabled more people to access government benefits and expand economic opportunities in ways that were elusive

February 28, 2019

Public Health, Climate Change, and Technology: Innovating Toward a Healthier Asia

Public health and climate change are both great challenges for Asia. Together they create a nexus of concern that could become the next big crisis for the region. While rapid economic development has pulled hundreds of millions out of poverty and people’s health and lives are much improved, Asia is dealing with an emerging set

August 30, 2019

Asia Business Council Annual Survey 2019

The Asia Business Council annual survey of members found business optimism for the year ahead has plunged to the lowest level since the global financial crisis in 2008. The overwhelming reason cited was the U.S.-China trade conflict. Other reasons included concerns about a trade war-induced recession, Japan-South Korea trade disputes, and the impact of Persian

September 15, 2018

Shenzhen, Beijing, and Silicon Valley: Chinese and U.S. Technology Clusters Vie for Supremacy

Driven by a proliferation of emerging, connected, and converging technologies, the economic future for China and the U.S will be one of immense change. Currently, a nation’s ability to innovate is closely linked to perception of national mastery, extending national hegemony into ecosystems of business infrastructure such as those created by large technology companies. Increasingly,

February 26, 2018

Building Resilience in Businesses and Supply Chains in Asia

Typhoons, terrorism, the threat of war, tsunamis, earthquakes, and epidemic disease. These are but a few of the challenges Asian companies have confronted since the century began. Risk is not new. What’s new is that ever-more-complex business models make companies vulnerable to risk as never before. What’s new, too, is that we are running up

June 16, 2020

Asia’s renewable energy push is a bright spot amid coronavirus gloom

With solar and wind power now cheaper than coal and technical problems such as intermittency being solved, investing in renewable energy makes economic sense. By Asia Business Council Adjunct Fellow Jill Baker.

May 13, 2020

Tesla’s Newest Board Member Talks About Changing The World Through Japan’s $1.5 Trillion Pension Fund

Hiro Mizuno rocked the world of traditional pension finance by putting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) at the heart of investments during his tenure as head of the world’s largest pension fund. Adjunct Fellow Jill Baker spoke with Mizuno about his crusade for ESG investing in his first interview since leaving Japan’s Global Pension Investment

April 2, 2019

Singapore leads way as Asian developers wake up to climate risk

Air conditioning is one of the biggest energy efficiency challenges in a region that is home to the world’s hottest and most crowded cities. By Asia Business Council Adjunct Fellow Jill Baker.

March 20, 2019

The View: Kong’s property developers should have the sense to go green and protect assets from climate change

Hong Kong, with key assets just above sea level, faces threats from climate change. A new low-carbon charter shows it makes business and political sense to collaborate with Beijing to improve energy efficiency in buildings and reduce emissions. By Adjunct Fellow Jill Baker.


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